Supii floating islands

These islands are one of a kind in Ukraine.
They did not arise naturally but under human influence. In 1765, the last Hetman of Ukraine, Kyrylo Razumovsky, ordered the construction of a dam to create a reservoir near his newly acquired land, known at the time as Yagotyn Manor. Thanks to the dam, the water rose and flooded the surrounding meadows. Since this area was historically a wetland, the soil here is loose. Accordingly, there is a small amount of air in the upper part of the soil, thanks to which pieces of land rose to the surface of the water. Over time, the water rounded their edges and now they are as beautiful as in the photo.

Under the force of the wind, they are moved over the water surface, but within the modern dams on the Supii River. The islands are a nesting place for gulls. It is a safe place because predators from the land do not have access to the islands. Danger can come only from the sky, of different kinds. Black Kite lives here, listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine. The goal of our center is to study life around the river and islands and to educate others about the value of this place to others (for example, you).

Peace to all, beauties.